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Anxiety is one of the most common mental health disorders in the world. In fact, about 264,000,000 people have an anxiety disorder. Not only does anxiety affect your mental health but it can also affect your physical health. According to health experts and many studies done in the last few decades, anxiety can put you at a higher risk for other illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure. This blog post covers 10 ways to manage your anxiety.

10 Ways to Manage Your Anxiety


It has been proven time and time again that any kind of physical activity stimulates your hormones and can ease your anxiety. The endorphins that your body releases during and after exercise help boost your mood reduces stress and make you feel happier overall. Also, just doing something other than sitting there thinking about your worries can help. Staying busy and keeping your body moving will decrease anxiety without the need for any medication in many cases.


There are many types of meditation, but they are all typically focused on breathing. Deep breathing and sitting quietly by yourself and counting your breaths help you focus on your breathing rather than your anxieties. Guided meditation is done with a professional who guides you into relaxation. Meditation music is often used during meditation.


This form of exercise is becoming popular
again and it has been around for more than 5,000 years. The main idea of yoga is basically
putting your body into certain poses and holding them. You will calm your mind
and breathe deeply while holding the pose. Many times, meditation music is used
in conjunction with yoga. The big toe pose, which is basically leaning over and
grabbing your big toes with your fingers, is a good one for anxiety.

Essential Oils

If you are having anxiety attacks, there are certain essential oils that can help ease those attacks. The scent molecules impact the areas of your brain that affect your emotions. But you have to know which oils to use and how to use them.

Inhaling them with a diffuser or adding a few drops of water is a great way to ease stress. You can also rub it onto your pulse points like wrists or neck. Certain oils that are best include citrus, lavender, or jasmine are excellent choices.


To use hypnosis, you typically need to visit a therapist or another practised individual who knows how to properly use it. The state of active consciousness that you are placed in lets you be aware but reduces your peripheral awareness. You will focus all of your attention on one thing. You will be guided into relaxation with focused attention and concentration while relaxing your muscles and other areas of your body.

Fidget Toys

These new toys have been advertised for children and people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, others have found that using these little spinners can help you forget about the daily issues you have been trying to deal with and they are now being tested for people with anxiety disorders. Successfully. These little fidget toys are not only fun but can help take your mind off your woes without even trying.


You will find that not getting enough sleep can cause anxiety so, of course, that means that sleeping more is good for your anxiety, right? Yes, but sometimes when you are anxious you cannot sleep. It is these times when meditation, yoga, essential oils, therapy, and even medication can help.


Many people use natural remedies for
anxiety such as melatonin, kava, valerian, and chamomile. However, if you have
a severe or ongoing type of anxiety that is affecting your daily routine, you
may need medication. Some antianxiety drugs include Celexa (citalopram),
fluoxetine (Prozac), and sertraline (Zoloft).

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

This type of therapy
helps you find ways to deal with your emotions and feelings. This may be done
by talking, journaling, mindfulness, or restructuring the way you deal with
your emotions. Some types of CBT focus on exposing you to things that cause you
anxiety or analyzing the feelings and emotions that are causing you distress.

Talk Therapy

Sometimes, anxiety can be dealt with by just talking to someone. You do not even have to make an appointment or go to an office for therapy because online therapy is easy. No appointment is needed and you can do it from home on your phone, tablet, or laptop.

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10 ways to manage your anxiety, one of the most common mental health disorders in the world.

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