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There’s been a lot of talk lately about how decluttering your home can potentially improve your life in a big way. There are books on the subject, and there’s even a series on Netflix based around it.

The idea of decluttering your home and improving your life is not new, though. The concept of having a clear home and a clear mind, as well as only surrounding yourself with things you love, are principles that many house-proud people and joy chasers live by.

Declutter Your Home, Improve Your Life

If you know you’re surrounded by clutter and items that just aren’t making you feel good anymore, it’s time to make a change. Decluttering your home really could improve your life.

Getting rid of old stuff can make space for new, better things to come in. It can make you feel like a weight has been lifted. It can make chores easier, your home look more beautiful, and so much more.

Don’t wait another second to declutter your home and improve your life – read on for my advice!

Don’t Start With A Room – Start With A Category

This tip comes from tidying up expert Marie Kondo. She says that when most people aim to declutter their homes and their lives, they do it by choosing a room to start with rather than a category.

This can take an age to complete and can feel like you’ve never quite finished the task. Instead, choose a category to start with.

Marie recommends clothes, as we have the least emotional attachments to them. The idea is that you will pile all of your clothes (or whatever category you’re starting with), onto a bed or the floor, and then go through them bit by bit. You pick up each item and pay attention to how you feel. If it genuinely makes you feel happy, then you keep it. If not, you get rid of it.

Be Super Vigilant About The Items You Want To Keep

You should be super vigilant about the items that you want to keep. If you haven’t used something in 6-12 months, chances are, you’re not going to use it again! Get rid of all duplicates, too. Oh, and don’t feel guilty about getting rid of gifts people have given you if you don’t use them.

If you’re not sure about whether you should keep an item or not, you could always look into cheap storage or use organised storage around the home. If you get along fine without the item, then you know you’re safe to get rid of it.  

If you have a substantial amount of items to dispose of, consider hiring a skip, Hippobag, or a dumpster from a company in your local area. It is very important that you find the right method of disposal for your items so you can feel assured that they are where they need to be. There are various dumpster sizes available, which is why it would be a good idea to go over these on websites such as if you reside in the USA, for example, so you don’t misjudge.

Try To Get Rid Of At Least One Item Each Day

Make it a habit to purge. Try to get rid of at least one thing each day, even if it’s only small. Purging regularly is a great way to keep your home clutter-free and your life happy.

Detach Yourself From Needing ‘Stuff’ Finally, forget about ‘keeping up with the Joneses’. Don’t get sucked into ad campaigns. Detach yourself from needing stuff for the sake of having it. Only buy something if you truly need it and know you will use it!

Decluttering your home can improve your life.

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