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If you love the idea of bullet journaling but feel a bit overwhelmed at the thought of getting started, here are some tips to help you on your way…

Bullet journal on a blue desk

Pick One or Two Areas of Your Life

Bullet journaling can be appealing because it allows you to bring every area of your life into harmony. You don’t have to rely on your collection of sticky notes or complicated software to stay organized.

But that doesn’t mean that you should start filling your bullet journal with everything you’ve ever wanted to do. Instead, pick one or two areas of your life to feature in your bullet journal. For example, you may choose to focus on your health and home organization for now. Later, you might add sections for your content marketing, your projects, and your child’s class timetable.

Organizing your life slowly, one section at a time feels less overwhelming. It also helps you see what works best for you and applies those same techniques to other areas.

Make the first page in your journal your index page, then fill it in and number the pages accordingly as you add content.

Set Goals that Are Easy to Track

Just because you have a bullet journal doesn’t mean that you need a list of complicated goals or that you should start 25 new habits.

Look at one or two positive habits that you could easily track. For example, you could have a checkbox for each day that you exercised rather than recording every moment of your workout.

If you want to get really in-depth with your goals later, you can. But for now, focus on habits that are simple and easy to track. You’ll be more likely to use your bullet journal if you do this in the beginning.

Stay Positive

Many people negatively frame their goals. This can affect how you see your goal and how you view your bullet journal. For example, the goal to stop smoking, if framed negatively, makes it harder to achieve.

Instead, view it as getting healthier. Put a checkmark down each time you have the urge to smoke a cigarette and manage to refuse temptation. Looking at the positive makes it easier to overcome cravings, and seeing checkmarks in your bullet journal encourages you to keep going.

Aim for Function

If you look on Pinterest or Instagram, you’ll find hundreds of bullet journal pages with elegant designs. These may be beautiful, but when you’re a beginner, they can make it seem like you have to be fancy to bullet journal.

When you’re first starting, it’s smart to aim for a functional journal. Your bullet journal should fit your lifestyle and help you achieve your goals.

Once you’ve started using your bullet journal regularly, you might want to spend more time designing it. Please don’t feel like your first few attempts have to be Pinterest-worthy; they can be messy and chaotic. Remember, you’re still learning and growing, so give yourself room to play.

Don’t be afraid to give bullet journaling a try. Not only is it a fun hobby, it can help you transform your life in fun and exciting new ways!

You may also wish to read: 7 Different Types of Bullet Journaling Ideas and Bullet Journal Must-Haves.

Start bullet journaling without feeling overwhelmed. My tips include picking areas to focus on, setting simple goals, and staying positive.

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