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Improving your memory is a great goal but it can be overwhelming, too. You may wonder how to begin boosting your neurons and protecting the information inside your brain. But the good news is you don’t have to struggle alone. There are plenty of books, podcasts, and courses that can help you. Here are a few you might want to consider.

Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of
Remembering Everything

This best-selling book by Joshua Foer is a fascinating look into how your brain stores memories. The idea for the book came to Joshua when he attended the U.S. Memory Championship. He was there to report on the event but he quickly became interested in improving his own memory.

In Moonwalking with Einstein, Josh recounts his journey as an ordinary person to becoming a participant in the U.S. Memory Championship. Along the way, he shares stories and advice from other participants including one individual who was capable of memorizing over 1,500+ digits within an hour. If you want to understand why some memories stick with you while other memories seem to float way, this is the book to read.

Memory Mastery Methods with Kevin Horsley

If you’re not familiar with Kevin Horsley, he’s the International Grandmaster of Memory. He’s also a World Memory Championship medalist and the author of the best-selling book, Unlimited Memory.

He even designed a course on the topic called Memory Mastery Methods. The course promises to train you with memory methods in just 24 minutes. It contains eight videos, four quizzes, and eight texts. You could easily complete the course while on your lunch break or during your commute to work.

The Magnetic Memory Method Podcast

Anthony Metivier is a college professor who’s taught at York University, Rutgers University, and other schools. In addition to writing books on the topic, Anthony started a podcast called The Magnetic Memory Method Podcast.

His techniques can be
used by anyone and applied to almost every subject. However, Anthony is
passionate about using mnemonics to help students who are learning a second (or
third!) language.

Memory Rescue: Supercharge Your Brain, Reverse Memory Loss,
and Remember What Matters Most

Dr. Daniel Amen is a leading psychiatrist and brain disorder specialist. He’s also the author of several best-selling books about the human brain. One of his books, Memory Rescue, is an important read to prevent memory loss.

What sets Daniel’s book
apart is his focus is not solely on the brain. He also recommends balanced
lifestyle choices like exercise to protect your brain. While that might sound
odd, your brain is directly affected by the unhealthy or healthy choices you

As you begin exploring ways to improve your memory, don’t be afraid to experiment with different techniques and recommendations. If you find something that works well for you, look for ways to incorporate into your daily life.

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Resources to Help Improve Your Memory

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