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In life, there are always ways that you can improve on yourself and that is why you should never be too complacent.

Being a better person doesn’t mean necessarily being hard on yourself and trying to fix what you view as your flaws. It can also mean taking care of yourself and focusing on your mental and physical wellbeing. It can mean being more compassionate to yourself and taking care of yourself first. Once you have done this, you will be better equipped to help others around you. Here are some top ways that you can make yourself a better person in no time.

Writing in the sand on a beach saying Feel Better!

Focus on Your Mental Health

Your mental health is so important in making yourself a better person. You want to ensure that you are putting the way you feel at the forefront of all that you do and ensuring you are as happy as possible. If you find that you often feel stressed or worried, look into how you can get rid of this stress, or at least diminish it.

Perhaps you are working too much and heading for burnout, or you are not getting on with a friend or family member as you did. Find the root cause and try to sort it out as soon as you can to make sure you feel happier.

If you are in a bad place, it can also help to talk to someone, whether that be a loved one or a professional. Remember everything is better when it is shared and others can help you to feel happier and sort out your problems.

Look Out for the Environment

We can all be guilty of not doing as much for the environment as we should and if you change this it will make you a better person. It could be that you sometimes leave the tap running while you brush your teeth, that you don’t recycle as much as you could, or that you always forget to bring your “bags for life” to the supermarket.

By slowly changing your habits and doing the small things, it can make a big difference to the environment. By knowing you are making a real difference in the world and doing your part, you will feel like a much better person.

Take a Look at Your Physical Health

Don’t underestimate how much your physical health can have an impact on you. Try to work out or get some exercise at least three times a week. This could be something small such as a walk to clear your head and get your 10,000 steps in, or it could be a yoga session down the gym.

Whatever you do, ensure it is something you enjoy and that gets your blood pumping, improving your health at the same time. With your physical health, it is also important to take care of your skin. Invest in skincare that is good for your skin and try to implement a good routine that you follow each day that includes washing, toning and moisturising. It is also important that you drink eight glasses of water a day to help flush your system and keep you hydrated. If you find it hard to do this, the bottles pictured below will help you keep track.

Try to Become More Patient

We are so used to having everything that we want right at the click of a button that being impatient is a common occurrence. Perhaps it is a delivery that hasn’t shown up on time, a friend that is late for a coffee date or a letter that is meant to arrive in the post.

No matter what it is, complaining about it doesn’t get us anywhere and instead it is a good idea to try and just be more patient with the situation. Try not to complain, accept you can’t change it and just go with the flow. You will find over time you don’t sweat over the small stuff quite so much and are much happier for it.

Do a Digital Detox

With everything being on our phones, it can be easy to be glued to a screen at all times. In fact, a lot of us are guilty of watching one screen such as the television and also being on our phone at the same time. Try to take some time when you completely break away from any sort of screen, giving both your brain and your eyes a much-needed rest. Instead, read a book, do some artwork or go for a walk.

It can be easy to get wrapped up in what others are doing on social media, comparing our lives to other people, or just mindlessly scrolling without even really gaining anything from it. Find something better that you can do with your time, even if it is only for an hour or two each day.

Smile More

Smiling is shown to release endorphins around your body that makes you happier. By smiling more, you will find you feel much better about yourself. It is also catching, so if you smile more then this will soon rub off on others around you.

Try to smile and be as positive as you can, even in situations that are stressful and it will help you to feel better about them when you otherwise might not have done.

These are just a few simple ways that you can make yourself a better person. They are all great as you can start implementing them right away and will be on track to reap the rewards from the moment you first start doing them.

Once you have been practising them for a while, they will come to you second nature and you won’t even realise you are doing them.

What are some top ways you like to take care of yourself to become a better person? Let us know in the comments below…

Here are some top ways that you can make yourself a better person in no time.

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