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A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that the success of a website revolves around merely what you see on your computer screen. Nevertheless, whilst an effective, creative and innovative design is important, it is not the only component that you should look for.

A top website is one which incorporates many layers, including the likes of; content strategy, usability, search engine optimisation, e-commerce solutions, a lead generation system, and much, much more. Therefore, when seeking website design services you need to opt for a company which can provide you with the whole package and one essential component which you need to look out for is marketing.

You may have one of the best websites on the World Wide Web, but if you have not marketed effectively, then what use is the website? No one is going to visit it because your visibility levels will be pretty much nonexistent. Therefore, this fantastic design and all the money spent on it will have gone to waste.

At the end of the day, the internet possesses a wealth of opportunities because of the sheer number of people that it can reach. If you market effectively then you can see your business’ recognition and reputation soar and your profits rise. There are several different marketing based website design services, which a professional company will utilise in order to ensure you operate to optimum level online.

Arguably the most important and widely utilised strategy is that of SEO, otherwise known as search engine optimisation. This revolves around several different methods which are utilised in order to increase a website’s visibility via moving it up the rankings on search engine pages, such as Google, Yahoo and Bing.

The methods used involve the likes of link building, SEO content and blogging. The results are vast, and this is a long term marketing strategy – so your website will continue to build and enhance its online presence. After all; when a website ranks high up on Google it is largely considered to be the most trustworthy and one of the leading in the industry.

In addition to this, another crucial marketing service which needs to be utilised in cohesion with website design is email marketing. You will probably have seen email marketing on several occasions; businesses emailing you with newsletters, letting you know about sales, new stock and alike. This works well because it creates customer loyalty and so can encourage customers to buy from you again and again.

Another area of marketing which is worth considering is that of social media marketing. Social networking websites have boomed over the past few years, with the likes of Twitter and Facebook taking the internet by storm. These websites can be utilised to your advantage enormously.  You can direct a lot of traffic to your website as well as advertise products and deals and create links via your customer base as well.

All in all, when seeking website design services from a company you need to make sure that marketing services are part of the offer. After all, there is a wealth of different advertising opportunities available via the internet and you need professionals who can help you use the online world to your advantage. They will provide you with a bespoke service which can help you establish online dominance.

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