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Weird, Wonderful Exercises To Lose Weight And Why You Should Try Them

Exercise is something that can either be monotonous and boring or fun and exciting. It can be a great way to spend your time if you find an exercise you love. I’m not talking about cardio because really, not many people love cardio. Okay…some people probably do, I do in short bursts, but if you find the idea of running in one place for an hour similar to watching paint dry you might want to try something a little more interesting, exciting and just a tad more fun. There are a few possibilities to consider here that certainly fit the bill.

Pole Dancing Fitness Dancing

You might think that pole dancing is just about being frisky and a little naughty. But, if you attend a pole dancing fitness class, you’ll find that these girls and guys – are completely serious and committed.

Pole dancing fitness classes are about working out every muscle in your body. This shouldn’t be surprising because once you master it you can climb the pole, slide down it, hold it with your legs, thighs, arms, one hand and much more. This requires incredible levels of fitness and a great deal of skill.

Dance Those Pounds Away

If pole dancing is a little too much, you can try any type of dancing to lose weight. Do you know who the most hardcore athletes are? Football players and ballerinas. It’s true and if you don’t think that’s the case, just try balancing on your toes for a couple hours. The word you’ll be looking for by the end is ‘ouch!’

Of course, I’m not suggesting you go that extreme. Any type of dancing can have a similar effect. If you look for affordable dance classes, you’ll see that they start you off slow before working on some killer moves and whipping you into shape.

Wild Swimming

You might be slightly nervous or anxious about swimming in a pool surrounded by people, particularly if you are subconscious about your weight. You can avoid that issue completely by going wild swimming. The benefits of wild swimming are that you get a great workout in a beautiful area.

Find a stretch of river that’s safe and clean to swim in, and try gently doing breaststroke upstream. After a couple hundred meters, you’ll find that your arms are killing you and your legs feel like lead. A great sign that you are completing a workout that will help you drop those pounds.

Rock Climbing

Rock climbing is another great option for burning those calories, though not recommended for anyone with a fear of heights. The benefit here is that you’ll work out your arm and leg muscles as you push and pull yourself up. You’ll feel the burn, and it’s certainly more exciting than spending a couple of hours in the gym.

Try some of these crazy choices yourself and you might be surprised by the benefits that they bring.

Weird, Wonderful Exercises To Lose Weight And Why You Should Try Them

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