Once you’ve set up your website, marketing material, and sales collateral, you may be pretty confident in the objective to swoon your target audience into buying your savvy product or service. However a lot of the time, this is met with disappointment when you may be receiving interest but not actually closing any sales.
The below tips will help identify some of the reservations your customers may have about buying your product and how you can prove your product is worthy of buying.

Too Expensive
In this situation, you need to adapt your answers to the customer’s concern over the price. If your customer mentions it’s something they can’t afford right now, you may wish to establish a follow up at a point when they could afford to pay.
Alternatively, you could offer a contract that requires payment in a week or confirms to seal the commitment of a purchase.
Another alternative option is if your profit margin allows, you could provide an urgent discount, to push the customer into a timeframe of buying the product soon while it’s at a low cost. However, be careful when and how you offer this discount, as it could have the opposite effect and create an image that cheapens your product, which leads on to the following point of value.
Unsure Of The Value
Another issue that may stem from the customer feeling as if the product is too expensive could be because the value of the product isn’t clear. This identifies a problem with the introduction and sales pitch of your product and what it may be lacking in proving why your product is worth the amount it is priced at.
You may be wondering how to prove value. If you are selling your product over the phone, the customer is essentially buying you, your wealth of knowledge on the service, your professionalism and your ability to build a trusting relationship.
These points should be the thread throughout your sales process, on your website and on social media. Consistency is key to proving your product is worthy of the price you are selling it for and that the information about it is correct across all platforms.
Another way to help highlight the value of your product is to improve and play on its existing reputation. This means requesting reviews to help new customers appreciate that the product has been approved by others to help sell your product and alleviate the concern over its value.
Unaware Of The Benefits
You will have an advantage over competitors if you can pinpoint the benefits of your service to a specific customer rather than just listing the features. The features of the product are what it offers, the benefits are how they help your individual customer.
For example, if an in-store sales rep is selling a surround system to a hipster uni student millennial who lives in a house share, it will work in the rep’s favour to draw on the benefits appropriate to this person.
Such as, they would highlight how the system would benefit them for music for house parties, where they can alter the music per room to create a different ambience and perhaps surround sound for group movie nights. This will link the product and tailor it to the customer’s needs, making it something they can envision using in their lives.
Talking to your customers to ask for their specific reservations on why they are not sure whether to buy your item, can help you to pinpoint the problems they are facing with buying what you have to offer. This will enable you to provide sufficient reassurance to help eliminate their concerns and also to establish areas of your sales plan that need improvement to avoid such reservations from happening in the future.

This is a collaborative post.