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The Covid-19 pandemic and the following lockdowns have caused many professionals to reconfigure their lifestyles and reset their priorities. These changes caused what is today called the “Great Resignation”, which led 1-in-4 people in the UK to change jobs in the space of a few months. 

At the same time, your business’s employees are your greatest asset, and it has never been more important to understand what measures to put in place to increase your retention rate. 

Whether you are actively looking to expand your existing team or you are trying to consolidate your relationship with a few, trusted employees, this is the time to create a workplace culture worth staying for. Here are a few tips to help you get started. 

People in a workplace

Focus on Understanding Your Employees’ Needs

Over the past few months, employees around the world reviewed their priorities and placed a renewed focus on finding a great work-life balance. As an employer, it is essential to understand what matters for your team member and create an environment where they can feel recognised and motivated. 

Some ways to do so include:

  • Introduce more flexible schedules and give the chance to your employees to work remotely
  • Consider renewing the purpose and commitment of your teams by running initiatives for charity or a good local cause
  • Take more time to understand the individual needs and desires of your employees

Embrace Diversity

If you are looking for a way to grow your business, focus on diversifying your team. Hiring a group of people coming from different backgrounds can refresh the flow of processes, ideas, and innovations. Thanks to a diverse team, you can learn more about how to streamline your internal business operations, improve productivity, and encourage collaboration. 

When hiring new talents, don’t forget to ask about their values, commitment, and perspectives. You will be surprised what a diverse team can bring to your company!

Create a Better Physical Environment

Of course, there are many reasons why some of your employees will quit or change jobs during their careers. However, among the many reasons for voluntary turnover, the most influential one is the physical work environment. Therefore, if you are trying to improve your company’s retention rate and ensure that the talents you hire will stay in your company for longer, you should focus on creating a better work environment. Some tips include:

  • Create open spaces that aid collaboration
  • Focus on creating a healthy environment
  • Keep the decor minimalist and clutter-free
  • Provide your employees with several workstations to choose from
  • Introduce a rest area 

Partner With Communication Experts

As your team expands, the way you communicate with them will gain more and more importance. Communication experts can help you understand how to interact with your talents and manage your team for the best outcomes. 

What’s more is that your team might become more diverse, and partnering with translators and BSL interpreting experts can help you communicate with every member of your team. 

And, don’t forget that, while emails and WhatsApp messages might be handy, nothing can replace a face-to-face conversation.

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Whether you are actively looking to expand your existing team or you are trying to consolidate your relationship with a few, trusted employees, this is the time to create a workplace culture worth staying for.

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