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As any entrepreneur knows, visibility is vital if you are to hit the ground running when you launch your business. Being visible in a variety of spaces means that potential customers can become exposed to your product or service.

You might have a website, a blog and social media channels to enhance your online presence. You may have a physical store if you are a retailer or an office space if you are an accountant.

When it comes to promoting the offerings of your business, you may decide to head to a trade show. These are invaluable opportunities to network, compete with your rivals on a level playing field and try to seduce your niche market.

Take a look at this ultimate guide to making a success of your trade show experience.

Dress The Part

Being on your feet for ten hours a day over the course of a three day event can be tiring. However, you must make sure that you dress the part and are as enthusiastic at 4 pm on day 3 as you were at 8:30 am on day 1.

Shine up your shoes, get your smartest business attire on and don’t forget to wear your smile. Yes, it might sound cheesy, but it’s important that you are warm, approachable and engaging when talking to potential clients.

You came up with your business idea, and you’re now turning it into a money making venture. Be enthusiastic and engage your market with your passion for your service or product.

Style Your Pitch

The chances are that you will only have a small area amongst a sea of hundreds of other competitors. You need to make your space stand out from the crowd.

If you have a stall, consider the sorts of nifty marketing tools you could utilize. The sorts of inflatable arches used at running and charity events can be ideal to list your phone number, website, and logo, and can be seen from the other side of a hall.

Flood your stall with leaflets and business cards, and always have a Powerpoint presentation or video running.

If you are busy chatting to people, but there is a crowd forming at your pitch, you need to hold their interest. Free coffee in a branded cup and a video could keep them with you.

Be Interactive

If you have a product range that you are looking to sell to the trade or individuals, it’s vital that you have it there.

Whether it’s a new type of ball bearing, a vacuum cleaner or an electric whisk, it’s vital that your potential customers can see it in action. Set up a few demos and allow those people visiting your stall to have a go, get a feel for it and buy one there and then.

There’s nothing worse than someone being acutely interested in purchasing a few hundred ball bearings only for you to tell them to order online. The momentum is lost at that moment. Have stock with you and sell on the day.

A trade show is a fantastic way to get noticed, publicize your website and start selling your service or product.

Develop an email subscription list, and email those individuals who have signed up within twenty-four hours of the trade show. Maintaining momentum and not allowing people to forget your product, service, and company is vital.

To Trade Show Preparation

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