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We are all guilty of adding things to our weekly shop that we don’t need. Sometimes though, when money is tight, we need to cut back and set a budget.

10 Ways To Save Money Food Shopping

Here are 10 ways to save money on food shopping:

1) Buy loose fruit and veg rather than packaged because you’re paying extra for packaging that gets thrown in the bin anyway.

2) Make a list before you go shopping and stick to it. Don’t be tempted to buy anything else. If shopping online, do the same and stick to a list.

3) Plan your weekly meals before you go shopping. Make sure you only buy enough food for the week and those meals.

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4) Check your fridge, freezer and cupboards before you make your list. Avoid buying something you already have hidden away.

5) Switch to Supermarket budget brands, you’ll find them just as good and you’ll save a lot more this way.

6) Stop buying prepared foods. Cook meals in big batches and freeze portions for another day. Portion-sized plastic tubs are great for freezing meals, they’re readily available in pound shops or on Amazon. If your local Chinese takeaway uses these, make sure you save them when you have a meal.

7) Don’t throw away the last bits of cheese. Grate it up and freeze then use it straight from the freezer in dishes or sprinkle over a bolognese.

8) It’s important to set a budget and stick to it, if you go over, go through everything and remove items that you don’t really need.

9) If you go to a supermarket, take a calculator with you to make sure you don’t overspend. Even better, get your shopping delivered. You won’t overspend because you can see what you’re spending and order items to suit your budget.

10) Watch out for the kids or partner sneaking in chocolate. Seriously it does happen!

Learn to save money on food shopping with these 10 practical tips! From buying loose produce to setting a budget, make your grocery trips efficient and cost-effective.

For more meal planning and how to portion a chicken to save money head over to

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