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Everyone knows that starting a business can be complicated. That doesn’t mean that each type of company is as challenging to start as others.

Instead, they can be more straightforward and involve far fewer moving parts. If you’re a first-time entrepreneur, then these could be attractive.

There are more than a few easy-to-start businesses that you could consider. It’s worth noting, however, that you’ll still need to put work into it.

A woman opening her shop

That includes the essentials, such as:

  • Obtaining funding;
  • Developing a business plan;
  • Creating sales and marketing strategies;
  • Registering your business, and more.

Armed with these, you should have a problem with these easy-to-start businesses that make money.

Easy-To-Start Businesses That Make Money: Top 3 Choices


Franchising is one of the easiest ways to start a business for multiple reasons. Perhaps the most notable is that you’ll get help from experienced entrepreneurs in the niche you choose.

That can position you for success much better than starting a company of your own. In time, you can grow this to earn a large amount of money.

The possibility of extending your franchises is also there, which further enhances your earning potential. Though that takes time, it’s an effective option for many first-time entrepreneurs.

Franchise Direct has numerous franchises for you to choose from and start.

Amazon Store

eCommerce has become one of the largest industries in the world. Taking advantage of this doesn’t need to be complicated. It can be one of the most easy-to-start businesses to choose from.

In some cases, it’s as simple as choosing the products you want to sell and setting up an Amazon store. Countless people have tried this in the past and seen success.

Though you’ll need to put effort into sourcing high-quality products and marketing this can be quite effective.

Try an EKM online store. Get a 28-day trial today and start setting up your online shop straight away!


How much do you think you could make by starting a blog? As simple as it sounds, it could offer you significant revenue. One of the most notable examples of this is The Huffington Post, which started life as a small blog.

Naturally, it’s since become a well-known brand. While it would take years and extensive work to get to this, you could still reap a significant amount of money even if your blog doesn’t get this large.

You’ll have multiple ways to make money with this once your audience is large enough. These include:

  • Affiliate Links
  • Banner Adverts
  • Sponsored Content

Though you’ll need to put the work into growing your audience, there are more than a few ways to do so. With high-quality marketing, you’ll start to see a return on your investment.

Start a blog now and earn up to £150 depending on which services you take out through my Ionos Referral Link.

Easy To Start Businesses That Make Money: Wrapping Up

Many people are surprised at the number of easy-to-start businesses that make money. While these offer significant revenue potential, you’ll still need to put work into them.

As straightforward as some companies can be, success is never as simple as people would want. Spending the time and effort researching and planning your business is vital.

The simplest way to start a successful business is to be informed and put in the work. Coupled with each of the above, you should have a problem launching your company.

If you’re a first-time entrepreneur, then these 3 easy-to-start businesses could be attractive to you.

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