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There are many ways to earn money these days. You are no longer limited to the typical nine to five. For example, you can become a blogger and rake in passive income. The key to becoming a successful blogger is to first know what you’re most passionate about. For example, if you’re a foodie, you can start planning for a food blog project.

However, you cannot just wing it. You need to approach the process as earnestly as possible. If you want to turn the project into a money-making enterprise, your target audience should see that you’re a pro. And that you’re not cutting any corners. Here are essential preparations to make.

Food blogger filming in her kitchen

Eat Away

You need to love food to be a food blogger. That much is obvious. Plus, you must have an adventurous palate. You need to try out exotic spices and ingredients. For example, no matter how much you abhor the smell of vinegar, you must learn to appreciate it. Experiment with Filipino vinegar with spices, for starters. And experiment with unfamiliar cuisines in general.

Cook Every Chance You Get

You can’t be a food blogger if you’re a klutz in the kitchen. So if you haven’t yet, start honing your cooking skills. Again, experimentation is a must. Don’t settle with dishes you’ve already perfected. Try out cooking stuff you haven’t tried before. Go out of your comfort zone and prepare foreign cuisines. Let your family and friends taste what you’ve made. Ask for constructive criticism. That’ll improve your cooking.

Travel For Food

Include regular travels to your yearly to-dos. Your goal is to discover all kinds of flavours from all parts of the globe. Remember that different places have different ways of cooking. You’ll learn a lot from discovering the food culture of foreign towns and cities. Do not shy away from street foods too. Some of the most exciting food you’ll ever taste is sold on the roadside. Take a cue from Anthony Bourdain.

Hone Your Writing Skills

No matter how great at cooking you are and how knowledgeable you are about food culture, your blog will not find readers if you don’t write well enough. If you don’t have any background in creative writing, that’s okay. There are online tutorials you can enrol in. You can also join writing prompts to hone your writing. Plus, it would be best if you read more. That’s the most oft-cited advice given by established writers to newbie writers.

You could also use an AI writing app to give you ideas for blog posts and help with your writing!

Brush Up On Photography

As a food blogger, you’ll be wearing many hats. You’re a traveller, writer, and photographer rolled into one yummy sushi. If one of those elements is missing, you won’t be yummy sushi. Try to be the yummiest sushi you can be by perfecting the art of photography. Keep in mind you’ll have to take pictures of the food you try and the food you prepare yourself. So know your rule of thirds. Be equipped with reliable photography tools too.

Level Up Your Aesthetics

Visit food websites and read food magazines. Your goal is to improve your aesthetics. So learn from the best. See what makes an excellent food content. Be mindful of the visual elements. Learn what colours work and which don’t. Brush up on your photoshop skills too. That’ll come in handy when you’re processing photos and website design.

Learn WordPress

Most bloggers use WordPress to layout their pages. This tool makes blog maintenance easy for everyone. You do not have to be a tech wiz to get the hang of WordPress. But you’ll need to allow some time to master the software. While you can pay someone else to manage the technical aspects of your blogging, that will require you to invest good money. That’s financially unwise if you’re starting as a blogger.

Although we mentioned that food blogging can earn you passive income, do not quit your job just yet. Allow yourself time to gather an audience. You need a source of income while your blog’s still not earning enough to support your needs. Once you’re getting those views and social media shares, you’ll have more ads, and Google will start paying you money. Soon you’ll be an established blogger and food influencer.

You might even receive other earning opportunities. For example, if a publishing company notices your blog and its popularity, they might commission you to turn your project into a book. That book deal will elevate your brand. Soon you’ll be gracing talk shows to talk about food. It’ll be a sweet life indeed.

Start planning for a food blog project with these tips.

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