Linear Income Versus Passive Income
What’s the difference between Linear Income and Passive Income?
What is Linear Income?
Linear income is related to the number of hours you work. If you work 30 hours you get paid for 30 hours.
Basically, you are trading time for money, when you stop work, your income stops, this type of income you have to show up to work to get paid, in other words, it’s your day job.
More than 90% of people in the world are accustomed to this type of income.
What is Passive Income?
Passive income is a very profitable source of income that keeps coming in. You do the work once and benefit from future income without having to be present to earn it.
Passive income can be in the form of royalties from books, ebooks, movies & songs. Passive income can also be rent received from a property you let out.
How to Make $100,000 per Year in Passive Income and Travel the World: The Passive Income Guide to Wealth and Financial Freedom – Features 14 Proven Passive Income Strategies30 Passive Income Ideas: The most trusted passive income guide to taking charge and building your residual income portfolio
Passive Income Freedom: 23 Passive Income Blueprints: Go Step-by-Step from Complete Beginner to $5,000-10,000/mo in the next 6 Months! (Influencer Fast Track® Series Book 1)
A great way to earn passive income is from affiliate sales and blogging. As an example, I earn affiliate income through my blogs. When someone clicks a link and purchases a product or service, I get a commission.
Take a look at my list of recommended affiliate programs to join on this page.
Passive income can also come from network marketing which grows as you build a team. This can be very hard though and the one usually earning the most is the one who has joined first.
Affiliate marketing is a much better way of earning a passive income and is my preferred method.
Blogging is an excellent way to earn a passive income, why not start a blog today!
Which type of income would you prefer to receive? Share with us any passive income ideas below.
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