If you love to host friends or have a special event coming up, then a dinner party can be a great idea. You can make things as elaborate as you like and can do it all from the comfort of your own home. So in the grand scheme of things, it can be a good way to do a dinner party on a budget. Because, why pay more? And living on a budget, especially when there are special events coming up, can be quite tricky (more so if you are someone that is pretty social). So here are some tips to help you to plan a thrifty dinner party, that doesn’t compromise on style or taste.

The good news about getting a dinner party all set up is that you will have a lot of the essentials. Plates, bowls, knives and forks? Yup, you got them. The decor can be kept simple or go all out, so it will depend on the theme of the evening and your specific budget for the party.
Balloons are a good way to decorate that keep things simple, or you could look for specific pieces on the cheap. Things like a mini keg beer dispenser could be something unique to buy, but it could be used time and time again. You could also look for things like vintage cups and saucers for a tea party-themed party, at a thrift store or secondhand sale. So there are plenty of options, you just have to know where to look and take some time to plan. Handmade items are always a great idea too!
When you are planning your dinner party, you can keep things as simple as you would like. If you’re not interested in starters, then just have a main course and dessert. You could always ask guests to help provide part of the meal like one couple bringing rolls and one couple bringing a salad.
The key to keeping the food bill down is looking for meals that aren’t expensive to make, taste good, and can be made in bulk. So think along the lines of pasta or spaghetti dishes, as well as anything with potatoes and vegetables. Vegetarian meals can often be cheaper to make as there isn’t the cost of the meat involved; just food for thought.
Drinks are the next thing that you’re likely to be thinking about, especially at a dinner party. So think about what you can do to keep the cost down. Making something like a large bowl of punch can be a fun way to stick to your budget. You could also think about asking people to bring a bottle. It is pretty commonplace for dinner parties and is a totally reasonable request; guests are more than happy to oblige as the dinner is taken care of. Another route is just limiting what you drink, especially if it is alcohol as the price can be high. So just plan on two glasses per person, for example. It is to enjoy the food after all, right?

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