Month: April 2019

  • Benefits Of Social Media Advertising

    Benefits Of Social Media Advertising

    Benefits of Social Media Advertising Tips One of the best and effective ways to get traffic to your sales page is to use social media advertising. The benefits of social media advertising on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is that have a variety of ad types and placements you can use. Regardless of which […]

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  • Blogging Secrets By Jenny Lord, Is It Worth Buying?

    Blogging Secrets By Jenny Lord, Is It Worth Buying?

    Today we’re going to look at Blogging Secrets by Jenny Lord and you’re probably reading this because you are wondering if it is worth purchasing for yourself. I’ve been through the course, so, read on to find out what’s inside and my view on it. The course Blogging Secrets is aimed at new bloggers and […]

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  • The Best Places To Get Leads For Your Business

    The Best Places To Get Leads For Your Business

    When it comes to running a business – whether it’s online or offline, you know that marketing and lead generation are two of the most important things you need to be focusing on, but it’s not always that simple to find online leads when you don’t even know where to start and it feels like […]

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  • Why Redundancy Needn’t Be The Worst Thing To Ever Happen To You

    Why Redundancy Needn't Be The Worst Thing To Ever Happen To You

    Losing your job can be one of the most soul-destroying moments of your life. It doesn’t matter whether you saw it coming because the company you worked for was struggling, or whether it came like a bolt out of the blue, the moment you find out that you are being made redundant can physically hurt. […]

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  • 6 Ways To Cut Down On Monthly Outgoings

    6 Ways To Cut Down On Monthly Outgoings

    In today’s uncertain economic climate, many people are feeling the pinch when it comes to their finances. Whether you’re facing unexpected expenses or simply looking to make ends meet, one of the first steps you can take is to look at cutting back on your monthly outgoings. By reducing your expenses, you can free up […]

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