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Benefits of Social Media Advertising Tips

One of the best and effective ways to get traffic to your sales page is to use social media advertising.

The benefits of social media advertising on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is that have a variety of ad types and placements you can use.

Regardless of which
network you choose to use, you’ll want to make the most of your advertising
budget. So, try to focus on keeping your conversion rate high. Here are a few
tips to help you do that

Make the Ad Relevant

Sometimes, a digital business owner will create an amazing product but make an ad that’s clearly not relevant. This is like flushing your advertising budget down the toilet. It also confuses your visitors and leaves them wary about trusting you.

If your product is a
web design course, then be sure your ad is focused on a web design topic. Your
visitors will click through from the ad to your site and you don’t want their
first experience with your brand to be one of frustration.

Align It to Your Audience

When you’re creating your ad, take the time to think about the demographic you’re targeting. If your web design course is aimed at work-at-home mums who want to start a side hustle, you’ll use different language than you would for a middle age customer who’s looking to leave their corporate career.

Fortunately, most ad networks allow you to broadcast your ad to a select group of people. You’ll save more money if you focus on appealing to your ideal customer rather than creating an ad designed for anyone and everyone.

Highlight the Best Benefit

It’s true that social media advertising can be a very effective way to generate traffic. But if there’s one flaw with social media ads, it’s that they’re meant to be short. That means you have to condense your lengthy sales page into just a few sentences.

To keep your social ad from getting cut short, follow the character limit. You can focus on the best benefit for your audience. For example, if your ideal audience is mum bloggers, then you might highlight the benefit of earning more while staying home to parent.

Get the Correct Image Size

When it comes to standing out in your potential customer’s news feed, you’re competing with a lot of distractions. That’s why it helps to have an eye-catching graphic or two. If you’re not good with graphics, consider hiring someone on Fiverr to make you one.

Keep in mind that
different ad placements require different image sizes. For example, an ad in
Facebook’s home feed won’t be the same size as an image appearing in the right
column. So, experiment and test out your image dimensions before you submit
your ads for approval. It’ll save you time and frustration.

Social media ads can be a wonderful way to generate traffic. However, they can be tricky to navigate so you’ll want to spend some time reading about them or look into a training course to walk you through using them.

Benefits Of Social Media Advertising

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