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If you’ve never sold a home before, or you are more of a seasoned renter, the thought of selling up and then buying a new little patch of bricks and mortar can be terrifying. The whole process can seem complex, expensive and full of faceless professionals that you have no control over.

These people handle your money and try to work for your best interests, but being largely redundant in the whole process can be difficult for most people to cope with. However, by clueing yourself up on the whole house buying process, you can feel more confident and informed when working through every stage. Take a look at this whistlestop who’s who guide to everybody involved in making your house transaction experience go as smoothly as possible.

Estate Agent

It doesn’t matter whether you choose a traditional estate agent or a more postmodern online entity, there will be a human being dealing with your house move. An estate agent is like the advertising agency that you hire to market your home. These are the people who organise viewings and attempt to sell your property on house tours. They’ll use their pitter patter to explain how excellent the local transport links are, how close the good schools are and how the property market in your area is buoyant.

While you could choose to go it alone, an estate agent is always a useful tool to have as part of your marketing. They will advise what price to list your dwelling at, and they’ll be working hard for you to get their commission, which you will inevitably have to pay!

A Who's Who Guide To House Purchases


Arranging a solicitor specialising in house transactions is the most vital part of the house buying process. A guide by The Advisory details what you should look for when it comes to paying your conveyancing fees. Don’t be swayed by the cheapest property solicitor or conveyancer, as the chances are you won’t have a named individual working on your transaction and you may find that they aren’t the most communicative of firms.

Go on word of mouth and local recommendations, and pay a little more to ensure an exceptional service. The difference between £300 for a sub-par and slow transaction versus £700 for a high quality professional service is negligible in the whole scheme of things.

Your Buyers

While you might not become the best of friends, your buyers will play a vital role in the smoothness of your transaction. If you are in a long chain, the process can be more drawn out as every party in the chain is reliant on everyone else playing ball. Any issues that arise with surveys, house repairs or financial blocks need to be overcome via a process of dialogue. If you can get along with your buyers, this will be a more stress-free process.

Buying and selling houses can be tricky. However, with a solid team of professionals behind you, an organised nature and an open dialogue with all involved, you should find the experience as stress free as possible.

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