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Have you ever wanted to create an e-book, but just didn’t know where to start?

Creating an e-book needn’t be difficult. I’ve put together step by step instructions that will show you how to create one easily.

I’ll show you how to create a table of contents so that your readers will be able to click on and navigate to the chapter they want to read. This saves scrolling through the whole book.

How to create an e-book with chapter navigation

This handy guide shows you how to:

Easily create a cover picture

♥ How to lay out your document

Introduction and chapters making them clickable for easy navigation

Adding your content

Inserting a table of contents

♥ Formatting

Where to sell your e-book

Why Create Your Own E-Books?

By creating your own e-books you can use them as opt-in freebies to help build your email lists.

If you’re knowledgable on a subject, why not create an e-book and share your expertise, give it away for free or sell it. There are plenty of platforms where you can sell your e-book, you’ll find some suggestions in my guide.

E-books are popular today as they can be downloaded instantly, there’s no going out to the shop or waiting for delivery, they can be saved straight to your device.

Selling e-books is a great way of earning some extra money and once your e-book is created it can be sold over and over!

How tp create am e-book with chapter navigation
Create an e-book with a table of contents for easy chapter navigation.

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