Selling Printables is a fairly easy way to make money because you make them once and they sell over and over. Selling printables is the perfect work-from-home business for making a passive income. Follow these tips on how to make money selling printables.
Equipment Needed to Create Printables
You’re going to need a computer and software such as Canva or Adobe Illustrator. I’m currently using Canva Pro, which is very affordable and has a lot more features than the free version. I’d recommend getting started with the free version and then upgrading to paid once you start getting sales.
You may eventually wish to create custom templates in which you’ll need the pro version so that you can send a link to your customer to be able to edit the template they purchased.
You will also need a printer so that you can test each printable before you put them up for sale.
Best Course to Learn How to Make Printables
The quickest way to start creating printables and getting your shop set up is by following the tutorials in the E-Printables Course.
This course, created by Cody and Julie shows you how to make Printables on both Canva and Adobe Illustrator.
To get you started quickly, there are 12 done-for-you templates provided that you can edit and make your own. Included in your purchase is a 30-day free trial in the VIP Membership that starts immediately after purchase.
If you decide to stay in this membership you’ll receive 5 new free commercial use templates each month along with lots of other benefits. Find out more about what’s included here.
How Much Money Can You Make Selling Printables?
This all depends on how much effort you’re willing to put into your printable business. You could make a few pounds to a few thousand per month, some people are making more than 5-figures selling digital downloads. The secret is to be consistent and grow your business gradually so you don’t burn out.
This ebook will teach you how to capitalize on seasonal trends to make sales. It’s free for a limited time.
Is There a Market for Selling Printables?
Yes, there definitely is a market and there are many different types of printable products that you can create as you can see in the list below.
Best Places to Sell Printables
I recommend selling on Etsy, it’s a fantastic platform for selling printables and has plenty of buyers looking for these types of products. If you have a blog, you could sell them from there using the Woocommerce plugin. Some people use Shopify, however, I find it quite expensive.
Ideas for Printables
The list below will give you a few ideas of what you can create and sell, this list is not exhaustive:
Banners, signs, and posters
Business cards
Colouring pages
CV/Resume template
Etsy shop banners
Excel worksheets
Gift Tags
Graphics for other sellers
Menus and recipes
Media Kits for bloggers
Mockup photos
Pinterest pin templates
Printable art, quotes, and sayings
Snapchat filters
Social media templates
Stock photos
Table numbers
Wine labels
As you can see there are plenty of niches that you could focus on, or, if you’re like me I don’t have a niche and create a mix of different printables. I get bored creating the same thing.
Where to Get Graphics and Fonts for Your Designs
My go-to place is Creative Fabrica, I have the all-access subscription because I am constantly using the design elements for KDP books and printables. It works out much cheaper by paying one monthly fee, rather than paying for each design element separately.
Canva also has free and paid design elements that you can use to create your printables.
Creative Tools I Use Daily
Canva – I use this daily for banners on my blog, creating pins for Pinterest, logos and book covers, interiors and more. In fact, I couldn’t be without it!
Book Bolt – Create KDP covers and interiors with ease. Get 20% off at checkout with my code: suefoster
Creative Fabrica – The best place for graphics and fonts for your designs.
Final Thoughts
Selling printables is just one way of making a passive income online. If you like the idea of this, I recommend that you take the time to learn how to do it and follow the steps in the E-Printables course. You may also like to look into creating Low Content Books or Affiliate Marketing as ways to create passive income streams.