When you have your own business, you may think that youâll be able to manage your finances effectively with little help or support. After all, how difficult can it be, especially if youâre used to managing all of your finances at home? However, there are some hints and tips that will get you a long way when it comes to staying on top of your money, and itâs easier than you think to make sure that youâre always profiting. Iâve listed them here, to help you get on the road to success.
Donât just leave it to somebody else
As a business owner, you may have hired somebody else to sort out all of your accounts in-house. E
Donât be afraid to chase people up
If you havenât been paid for a job that your business has carried out, and you should have been, then donât try to avoid the matter with the client in question. Of course, you donât want to risk losing them as customers, but it is perfectly reasonable to ask them when theyâre planning to pay you for the work that your team has done. You can start off with a casual reminder about late payment, but make sure that you turn up the heat a little if you donât get a suitable response from them. Your business depends upon being paid, and you canât pay your staff if you keep letting people off the hook when you agreed on a different payment date.
Donât do it all yourself if you canât manage it
Ok, we all have the tendency to think that we can manage everything within our business, and we donât need any help from external companies to keep us treading water where finances are concerned. However, there are accountants out there who specialise in this, and they will be able to spot problems in your figures from miles off, so donât be afraid to seek money advice from a trusted team instead of going it alone. You may not be aware of it, but there could be a problem that youâre overlooking, so leave this to the people who really know about it if youâre not as financially savvy as you need to be.
So, there are many ways to manage your business finances effectively, from making sure that you know the ins and outs of your money issues, to chasing people up when they havenât paid on the date agreed. Lastly, get an accountant to help you if need be! Good luck!

I did my own accounts for over 20 years. I still do, but there is very little to do now. I really recommend visiting the tax department first, as they can and do give great advice, including how to save money on taxes. I always did mine in childrens school books as it was quicker for me to add up in my head, rather than type things up.