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How to make your retail display pop out

Studies have shown time and time again that customers make a decision as to whether or not they are going to browse a store in 10 seconds or less. For this reason, you have to make sure that your *display is absolutely on point and that you are also putting in the work to try and make it look as appealing as possible.

Display Related Products Together

If you have a ton of products that are all related, then it is super important that you store them next to one another. This will give the impression of unity and it will also help your customers to find the natural add-ons they need. If you can, try and keep your main product, or your most expensive product as the heart of the display. It also helps to give each product the space it needs to really shine as well. If you make your display too cluttered, then this won’t be doing you any favours and it will also make it much harder for you to give the right impression.

Use Lighting

If you are not using *lighting to your advantage then you are certainly missing out. Lighting creates a ton of visual interest and it also helps your featured product to stand out more as well. If you want to make the most out of this then you might want to look into an exhibition truss as this can really help you to illuminate the areas of interest for your customers. Remember, the more organised your display looks, the better.

Change the Displays in High Traffic Areas

If you get a lot of foot traffic then this is absolutely fantastic. Your sales will be booming, and you will have a good level of customer loyalty as well. You do have to remember that customers need a reason to keep on coming back to your store. They need to stay excited about what you have to offer. Sure, you might not be able to add new products every single week, but you can easily change the way that your store looks and feels. Change out your main display every single week, so every time your customers walk in through the door, they feel as though they have something different to look at.


If a customer looks at your display and they don’t see a price, then there is a high chance that they will think that it is out of their price range. You need to do everything you can to make sure that your pricing is clear and that it is also not overwhelming. For example, if you put all of your expensive products in the window, then this will cause your customers to think that everything in your store is this price. So choose a few expensive products and put them in the window, but then surround them with other cheaper items to really bring out the best of your display. You also need to keep the pricing font as simple as possible, so it is easy to read from a distance.

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