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When it comes to your blog, appearance matters. Whether you run the blog as a hobby or business, like anything in life, you should take pride in it. Therefore there’s now plenty of ways that you can improve your blog’s appearance to help bring in more traffic and boost your opportunities going forward. Here are a few suggestions to get you started.

Improving Your Blog’s Appearance


A picture paints a thousand words. It can also detract someone from your blog if it’s not high quality or doesn’t fit nicely on the site. Photography has become a very important feature of a blog’s appearance because it can help do a number of things. Firstly, it shows the reader, what the content is about and is relative to the blog title. It’s also a great way to tell a story or to feature photography across the main webpage of the site to advertise or promote. So even if you don’t consider yourself a photographer, there’s plenty of stock photography sites that you can use for your blog.


When it comes to the layout of your blog, the template can really set apart your blog from others. Especially if you’re aiming your blog at becoming a business, you want your site to be clearly laid out. This will make it easy for your readers to navigate and get around the site but also to enjoy exploring it. You want your blog to be visually stimulating, and there’s nothing worse than having a blog layout that looks dull and boring.

You may want to consider word press web design agency or any web designers that can adapt a template for your site to suit your brand or just your personality. With so many out there, there’s really no excuse, and it’s certainly worth spending the money on it.


It’s important to have your own domain because this adds a level of professionalism to the blog, regardless of whether your intentions for the blog are business-related or not. Purchasing a domain means that you’re unique because no one else has that domain name other than yourself. From a business angle, it’s much better to have your own domain to improve your website’s presence which can be greatly important when it comes to impressing new clients.

Domains can be pretty cheap to purchase so take advantage of them before someone claims it for themselves.


Blogs are great for those who love to read so in order to keep those readers happy, the readability of your blog should be at the very forefront of your mind. That means grammar checking all your content but also thinking about the layout and look of your content. What font is suitable for the personality of your blog but that’s also easy to read? The sizing of the font may need to change depending on your audience. How you break down the content with paragraphs and subheadings is also important.

You should always look to improve your blog’s appearance regularly so get started today!


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Improving Your Blog’s Appearance

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