Month: October 2018

  • Installing A Theme On WordPress

    When you have your WordPress blog installed on your domain, you will see it has a theme installed automatically and you may want to change this and install your own theme. There are plenty of themes available both paid and free. Themeforest, Studiopress and Bluchic all provide excellent high-quality themes. To upload your own theme […]

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  • 4 Ways To Save Money In Small Business

    4 Ways To Save Money In Small Business

    When you run your own small business, every day is an operational tightrope walk. While you’re aware that some of your profits need to be invested back into your business to facilitate growth and ensure that you keep on giving your customers the same great service they’ve come to expect, it also behoves you to […]

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  • Music To Your Ears – Keeping A Company Environmentally Sound

    Music To Your Ears - Keeping A Company Environmentally Sound

    It seems that now, regardless of the business idea you have, it’s not just the overall profitability that you need to consider, you also have to consider your impact on the world. Not just in a business sense, but in an environmental one. Keeping a company environmentally sound is something that we all have to […]

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  • How To Block A Buyer On eBay

    How To Block A Buyer On eBay

    Sadly not all buyers are honest. There may come a day when you have a bad experience with one and will want to block them so that they can’t buy from you again. I’ve had a couple of buyers that have tried it on in the past. One time the buyer bought the item, received […]

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  • Simple Ways to Boost Your Website Ranking

    Simple Ways to Boost Your Website Ranking

    Simple Ways to Boost Your Website Ranking   When you’ve put in a lot of hard work and money into your business, it would be a shame to see it buried underneath all of your competitors. I’m talking about the search engine, of course, and ensuring your presence there is certainly not as easy as […]

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  • 4 Areas Pet Insurance Should Cover

    4 Areas Pet Insurance Should Cover

    4 Areas Pet Insurance Should Cover   At this point, you’re probably sick to the back teeth of dealing with insurance companies. From health to life and car cover, it feels as if there isn’t a part of your life which doesn’t need a policy. Well, you can add pets to that list too. Forking […]

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  • It’s All A Big Mess! – Keep Your Office In Order

    It's All A Big Mess! - Keep Your Office In Order

    A disorganized office is a disorganized workforce. It really does boil down to just that and there’s no other way to put it. Despite your workforce being incredibly smart and talented, if their work environment only hinders their ability to achieve goals, then they too are wasted.  An appropriate organization doesn’t overstep its mark on […]

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  • Mobile Business Ideas To Steer Your Income Forwards

    Mobile Business Ideas To Steer Your Income Forwards

    Here’s something for you to think about when you’re thinking of your next side business or career change. Instead of restricting yourself to the four walls of your home office, or whatever workplace you work in, why not consider a four-wheeled business idea? Especially for those of you who enjoy being out on the road, […]

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  • Building Your Blog Audience Fast – What You Need To Do

    Building Your Blog Audience Fast - What You Need To Do

    If you have a blog but you haven’t quite got the audience you envisioned yet, don’t panic. There are a few things you can do that will help you to grow your blog audience much faster. Here, we’re going to discuss what you should be doing and how it’s going to help you. You can’t […]

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  • Website Mistakes You Can’t Afford To Make

    Website Mistakes You Can’t Afford To Make

    It’s more than possible to make money online, but it’s not easy. Because of the intense competition, you need to ensure you’re getting everything right; or, at the very least, not making some fundamental mistakes on your website. Your site is going to be the backbone of your success. If it’s not up to speed, […]

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  • Home Made Essential Oil All-Purpose Cleaner

    Home Made Essential Oil All Purpose Cleaner

    This is a simple homemade all-purpose Cleaner formulated with a few ingredients that are effective in cleaning household surfaces. Hydrogen Peroxide (3%): This common steriliser can kill bacteria, mould, mildew, and fungus. It can be used to disinfect all your surfaces in the kitchen and bathroom, remove stains, and even to clean mirrors and stainless steel. Use it full-strength […]

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  • Safely Accepting Payments From Your Customers

    Safely Accepting Payments From Your Customers

    Safely Accepting Payments From Your Customers   When you set up a small business, you generally have one thing on your mind: profit. So, it’s important that you can always take payment for your products. If individuals are unable to pay with their preferred payment method, or don’t feel that their payment with your business […]

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