
Tips on how to start a WordPress blog and upload a theme. Make sure your blog is legal with the correct documentation. Learn about monetisation and where to get free images. Find the best software to create logos, banners and featured images for your blog. Learn about plugins, keyword tools, adding links and more…

  • What is Domain Authority (DA)?

    What is Domain Authority DA?

    Domain Authority is also known as DA in the blogging world. Domain Authority is a metric created by Moz who is a provider of SEO tools. DA is based on the size, popularity and age of a website and is based on a scale of 1 to 100 on how your website ranks in search […]

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  • SEO for Small Business Owners

    SEO for Small Business Owners

    SEO seems to have taken the business world by storm! You hear the term flung about time and time again amongst professionals, and seeing as it’s a hot topic of conversation, it’s something that you should probably keep an eye on and engage with in order to keep up to scratch with your competition. So, […]

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  • Design Tips For Your New Home Office

    Design Tips For Your New Home Office

    Want to make a go of working from home? You’re going to need a home office. Having a home office can help you with your productivity and make sure that you get work done, instead of working from the sofa in front of the TV! Creating the perfect home office takes work, but it’ll be […]

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  • How To Increase WordPress Memory

    Increase WordPress Memory

    You may be using a plugin in WordPress that requires you to increase your WordPress memory. “How do I do that?” you may be thinking. Let me show you how. I’ve was using a plugin that was asking me to increase my WordPress Memory to at least 128M and to do that I used an […]

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  • Do I Need To Register With The HMRC?

    When to register with the HMRC

    If you start working for yourself you may ask the question do I need to register with the HMRC? If you’re selling goods or providing a service earning money then you are classed as a sole trader and are self-employed.  You will need to register with the HMRC if your gross income is over £1000. […]

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