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This is a question that pops up all the time and everyone has a different opinion on the subject. The tips below are my views on using Pinterest and what I’ve found has worked over the years using the platform. If things change, I’ll add the information to this post.

How Many Times Should You Pin a Day on Pinterest?

The Secret to Increasing Traffic on Pinterest

To increase your traffic on Pinterest the most important thing you need to do is be consistent nothing else!

Showing up daily and pinning your content will result in traffic growth and that is the main thing you need to do.

How Many Times a Day Do I Need to Pin?

There really isn’t any need to pin hundreds of times a day. I’m afraid there’s no magic number.

I’ve bought courses and read so many blog posts with differing views on what you’re supposed to do, in the end, my head was spinning with all the conflicting advice.

Studies on various Pinterest accounts have shown that results differ, whether pinning only a couple of times per day to pinning hundreds of times (which is not the thing to do now).

Pinning too much can have a negative effect and will cause burnout, you’ll lose motivation when it becomes a chore. Nobody wants to spend their entire day on Pinterest, I certainly don’t and you’ll probably get your account banned.

I suggest pinning at least one to a maximum of five times a day. I don’t think there’s any need for much more. I only post a couple of times a day now! Gone are the days of posting hundreds of times, it’s just spammy.

The most traffic growth I have ever received with Pinterest was by simply pinning daily; consistency is key. Erratic pinning seems to have a negative effect.

When I got lazy and started missing days, my growth and monthly unique views started to decline.

If You Can’t Pin Everyday Then Schedule Them

If you’re someone who just can’t find the time to pin oy don’t want to be bothered then you need Tailwind to help.

Tailwind will assist in quickly finding pins and you can schedule them for weeks in advance. I do suggest pinning manually when you can as well because it does make a difference.

My Suggestions to Help Grow Your Pinterest Account & Traffic

  • Create pins using Canva, there are plenty of free templates that can be edited easily, so get creative and start designing your own. If you haven’t the time to create pins buy some pin templates.
  • Schedule 1-5 pins per day using tailwind (if you have it), or
  • Manually pin a few pins per day. This can easily be done in the morning when you’re having your breakfast and in the evening before bed. Did you know Pinterest has its own scheduler?
  • Follow interesting pinners in your niche and follow back some of the people who are following you.
  • Create fresh new pin images for your blog posts and schedule those using Tailwind or Pinterest’s own scheduler.
  • You don’t need to share other people’s pins. If you’re not using Pinterest for business, it’s fine to share other’s pins. If you are using Pinterest for business, it’s only your own pins you should share because if you’re spending time pinning other’s pins then they are benefiting, not you.
  • Only join quality group boards in your niche with very few contributors. I’ve found group boards haven’t helped with growth so I decided to leave most of mine and look at what happened below!
  • Create board covers and link back to categories on your blog.
  • If you use Tailwind make use of the board lists and use interval scheduling.

Are Group Boards Dead?

I did a bit of research into group boards and read a couple of blog posts about group boards not being beneficial anymore so I left all the group boards I was in and look at what happened below, my impressions shot up after doing this! See the sudden spike? Make of that what you will…

Pinterest Impressions

Pinterest likes you to interact on their site. People who manually pin as well as using Tailwind seem to have more growth than using Tailwind on its own.

Do you love using Pinterest? How about making it your job and working from home?

How many time a day should you pin?
Tips for pinning on Pinterest.

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