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When you run your own business, there are always lots of jobs to juggle throughout the working day. Sometimes it can be hard to keep up with everything on your to-do list. One item on your to-do list that should never be ignored is taking care of your employee’s wellbeing.

Taking care of your employees is always a good idea and can pay off big time too. Looking at ways in which you can boost the wellbeing of your employees is something that may be considered a waste of time by some. However, when you consider the far-reaching benefits, wellbeing is an important consideration. Here are some of the benefits businesses can experience by valuing staff happiness and wellbeing:

Employee sitting at a desk

Staff Retention

Employees are more likely to want to keep working for you if you treat them well. Taking care of your employee’s wellbeing creates trust, and provides an incentive for them to remain loyal to your business.

Retaining valuable staff is always a goal, as recruiting new employees and training them can be an expensive exercise, both in terms of money and time. 

Keeping hold of your employees means that they can progress through the company, building a strong knowledge base and benefiting the business with their skills and experience.

Less Time Lost to Sickness

Staff sickness is a huge cost for businesses and can have a real knock-on effect on the company. Having staff off sick means that you are needing to pay them without them being at work, or being productive. Staff absence also means that work gets left, or other members of staff have to take on more work to cover it. Of course, everyone gets ill from time to time, but there are ways to reduce the chances of staff members having time off sick.

Lower back pain and other chronic conditions can sometimes be caused by long periods of being seated in front of a screen at a workstation. Chronic conditions are hugely uncomfortable for your employee and may mean that they either cannot attend work at all. They may need to miss work time to attend medical appointments for their condition. DSE employee training can help to reduce the chances of your staff experiencing the discomfort while working, meaning less time off sick.


Happy workers are often more productive workers, so placing importance on your staff member’s wellbeing could help to boost your workplace productivity. When staff feel valued, and when they receive thanks and praise for their work, they are likely to feel more motivated and to keep producing the same work. Some businesses encourage a culture of taking breaks at desks and staying in the office hours after finish time. Employees often hope that by working extra hours they will be recognised for their efforts. In truth, not taking time away from their desks could make employees less productive. Encouraging staff to take a break will make them feel refreshed, valued and ready to face anything the afternoon throws at them.

The Benefits of Taking Care of The Wellbeing of Your Employees

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