When it comes to our blog, we may very well find that it is something we always tinker with. Whether you are looking to increase your blog traffic or you are wondering what can make your blog stand out a bit more, you have to consider some simple things such as consistency, good images, but also, do not underestimate simplicity. And with these three components, they make a massive difference to, not just your rankings, but the overall quality of your blog. Let’s have a look at some of the simple things that you can implement right away.

Fine-Tuning Your SEO
Let’s face it, if you are on the second page of Google, you are not going to be able to get the rankings you really want. Everybody is after Page 1.
And search engine optimisation, despite how overwhelming it may sound, can make a big difference to your blog with simple changes.
For example, making sure that you rank for certain keywords using one of the many keyword tools out there can make a massive difference.
When you start to think about search engine optimisation, you have to be aware that you can find yourself going down the rabbit hole. You may end up tweaking your blog so it completely ranks for SEO but loses all semblance of consistency. And this is where you’ve got to get the balance right.
SEO is crucial, but it needs to be secondary to the quality of your work.
Making a Logo (and Brand)
Your blog is your identity. Therefore when you consider how you market yourself, is this something inherently you about it?
If you want a logo, you can create something more suitable to your style using font packs or a blog branding kit. In addition to this, when you think about how you brand yourself, it’s not just about how you look.
Many bloggers make the cardinal mistake that, when they start out they go for common free WordPress templates. But you have to think about your brand being everything you say and do, including your website design. Investing in a customisable premium theme will start you off on the right foot.
Your brand is you and can do things to make your site instantly recognisable. Always use quality images and the same colour scheme. Brand your social media icons and sidebar widget so they look impressive and elevate you beyond your contemporaries.
Incorporate More Ways To Interact
A blog can very easily be your mouthpiece, but in order to gain that all-important traffic, you’ve got to turn it into something more symbiotic. In other words, you’ve got to interact with people, but they have to interact with you as well.
Opening the lines of communication is about engaging with the person in how you write, but also giving them opportunities to comment and to share, but also welcoming them through simple email marketing tactics.
If you are aware of the call-to-action, it may sound like a typical sales technique. But it’s about using this approach to bring people in, rather than selling them something.
If you’re looking for a starting point, these little components could make a massive difference to your blog.