
  • How to Install WordPress and Create a Blog

    How to Install WordPress on Ionos

    This post shows you how to install WordPress on Ionos.co.uk the hosting company I use for some of my blogs. Ionos packages include a free domain and SSL. Choosing A Host You will need a host when using WordPress.org. A host will store all your blog data on a server so that it can be […]

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  • The Best Keyword Research Tools For Bloggers

    Best Keyword Research Tools For Bloggers

    Keyword research can be done manually using Google. But if you’d rather have a bit of help, and find keywords quickly, the best keyword research tools for bloggers are Keysearch and Jaaxy. I’ve tried a few keyword research tools and these two are my favourites because they are easy to use and understand, they also […]

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  • How To Use WordPress Tags Correctly

    How To Use WordPress Tags Correctly

    Use WordPress Tags Correctly With These Handy Tips If you have a lot of WordPress tags with just one post attached to them like the image below, basically, this creates a post page and an archive page which is a duplicate of your post. In other words, you end up with two pages containing the […]

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  • How Can I Learn Blogging For Free?

    How Can I Learn Blogging For Free?

    There’s a wealth of blogging information available on the internet that you can learn for free which can take time, however, you will still have to pay for hosting and maybe a new theme or a plugin later on if you want to. There are plenty of free themes you can use in the meantime […]

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  • Genesis Framework WordPress Themes For Bloggers

    Genesis Framework WordPress Themes For Bloggers

    If you are aiming to be or already are a professional blogger, a quality theme is a must. Go for a professional looking theme that is updated regularly by the developer and make sure the design compliments your niche. Here are some great examples, all built on the Genesis Framework enabling you to quickly and […]

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  • How To Add The Nofollow Tag Manually

    How To Add The Nofollow Tag Manually

    There are plugins that add the nofollow tag for you, I’ve used one myself, but there may come a time when you need to add the nofollow tag manually. I noticed my plugin wasn’t working with the new Gutenberg update, so I thought I’d write a post on how to add a nofollow tag manually. […]

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  • Installing A Theme On WordPress

    When you have your WordPress blog installed on your domain, you will see it has a theme installed automatically and you may want to change this and install your own theme. There are plenty of themes available both paid and free. Themeforest, Studiopress and Bluchic all provide excellent high-quality themes. To upload your own theme […]

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  • How To Increase WordPress Memory

    Increase WordPress Memory

    You may be using a plugin in WordPress that requires you to increase your WordPress memory. “How do I do that?” you may be thinking. Let me show you how. I’ve was using a plugin that was asking me to increase my WordPress Memory to at least 128M and to do that I used an […]

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