Month: January 2019

  • How To Make Moving Home More Simple

    How To Make Moving Home More Simple

    Whether you’re moving home because you need more space for your growing family, or you’ve got to move because your tenancy has ended and your landlord doesn’t want to renew it with you, moving home can be complicated and even stressful for all parties involved. However, moving doesn’t have to be difficult, and we’ve got […]

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  • Accounting for Bloggers

    Accounting for Bloggers

    Many bloggers, vloggers, freelancers, and sole-traders are just coming out of one of the most stressful times of their year. Tax return season. Each year, we promise ourselves that we’ll be better. That we’ll keep a better track of our income and expenses and that we’ll be more prepared when the time comes. Some of […]

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  • Blog Branding – Don’t Fade Into The Crowd

    Blog Branding - Don't Fade Into The Crowd

    There are millions and millions of blogs. And for the most part, you can break that down into niches and specific genres. But what then? How do you make sure that you get heard in amongst the crowd? If you have recently started, or are currently in the middle of a rebrand here are some […]

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  • The Blog Tag – January Edition

    The Blog Tag - January Edition

    Emma from So Simply Lou has kindly tagged me in The Blog Tag – January Edition. Here are my answers to the January tag questions. I hope you all had a happy new year and are enjoying January so far. Happy new year! How did you welcome the year in? I spent new year at […]

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  • How You Can Become More Environmentally Friendly As A Business

    How You Can Become More Environmentally Friendly As A Business

    I’m pretty sure you’re aware of the state that the earth is in right now, and that’s why, now more than ever, it’s important to become more conscious of our carbon footprint and make changes to help preserve the environment. This should be something you’re doing within your business as well as at home, so […]

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  • The Ultimate Guide To Trade Show Preparation

    The Ultimate Guide To Trade Show Preparation

    As any entrepreneur knows, visibility is vital if you are to hit the ground running when you launch your business. Being visible in a variety of spaces means that potential customers can become exposed to your product or service. You might have a website, a blog and social media channels to enhance your online presence. […]

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  • Top Tips For a Gorgeous Office

    Top Tips For a Gorgeous Office

    Let’s face it when you run your own business, you spend hours and hours in your home office. And sometimes, because we are so busy, we let it turn into a less than tidy, less than lovely space, I know I do! Creating a sense of peace, and productivity is essential when you are a […]

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  • 5 Ways To Boost Traffic To Your Company Website

    5 Ways To Boost Traffic To Your Company Website

    Got a website, but not getting any visitors? Attracting people to your website often requires a bit of work – given how crowded the internet now is, few companies can rely on internet users stumbling across their website. Here are just a few effective ways in which you can help increase traffic. Hire an SEO […]

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  • How to Make your Retail Store Display Stand Out

    How to make your retail display pop out

    Studies have shown time and time again that customers make a decision as to whether or not they are going to browse a store in 10 seconds or less. For this reason, you have to make sure that whatever you are selling, your display is absolutely on point and that you are also putting in […]

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  • How To Manage Your Business Finances Effectively

    How To Manage Your Business Finances Effectively

    When you have your own business, you may think that you’ll be able to manage your finances effectively with little help or support. After all, how difficult can it be, especially if you’re used to managing all of your finances at home? However, there are some hints and tips that will get you a long […]

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  • Improving Your Blog’s Appearance

    Improving Your Blog’s Appearance

    When it comes to your blog, appearance matters. Whether you run the blog as a hobby or business, like anything in life, you should take pride in it. Therefore there’s now plenty of ways that you can improve your blog’s appearance to help bring in more traffic and boost your opportunities going forward. Here are […]

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  • How To Create A Simple Sales Funnel

    How To Create A Simple Sales Funnel

    Sales funnels are one of the most overused phrases, and yet least understood phrases in online marketing today, so it’s no wonder that so many business owners are completely terrified of them – they listen to different gurus explaining sales funnels in the most overly complicated ways, and although sales funnels will change in their […]

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