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A woman taking a water break from her exercise

Trying to lose weight at any age presents its own set of challenges, but as we hit our 50s and beyond, it can feel like an uphill battle. However, with determination and the right approach, significant changes are achievable. As someone who has personally lost over a stone in the past year, I understand the struggles firsthand. I thought I’d never do it. Let me share with you my journey and the strategies that have worked wonders for me.

Understanding the Challenges

Losing weight post-50 is laden with hurdles, primarily due to muscle loss and metabolic changes. As we age, our bodies tend to lose lean muscle mass, which in turn slows down metabolism. This makes it harder to create a calorie deficit, the cornerstone of weight loss. Additionally, factors like hormonal changes, post-menopausal effects, and health conditions further complicate the process.

My Winning Formula

Despite these challenges, I’ve found success in adopting a holistic approach to weight loss, focusing on both diet and exercise. Here are the key strategies that have helped me shed the pounds:

  1. Cutting Out Sugar in Drinks: One of the simplest yet most effective changes I made was eliminating sugar from my coffee and tea.
  2. Moderating Bread Consumption: While I didn’t completely eliminate bread from my diet, I made a conscious effort to reduce my intake. Opting for just one slice instead of two helped control my carbohydrate intake.
  3. Exercise Routine: Including both strength training and aerobic exercises in my routine was essential. Strength training has not only helped me lose weight but has also visibly improved the appearance of my arms. while activities such as walking and following workout videos on YouTube have helped me to burn more calories.

Extra Tips for Success

In addition to my personal strategies, here are some more tips that can help your weight loss journey after 50:

  • Aerobic Exercise: Aim to do moderate-intensity aerobic activity around 5 times per week to boost calorie burn and promote overall well-being. A 40-minute walk is around 4000 steps.
  • Strength Training: Incorporate resistance exercises 3-5 times per week to preserve muscle mass and combat age-related muscle loss. The workouts don’t need to be long, 10-20 minutes is sufficient.
  • Whole Foods Diet: Focus on whole, minimally processed foods rich in nutrients and fibre. Avoiding ultra-processed foods can help control calorie intake and improve overall health.
  • Hydration: Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Dehydration can sometimes be mistaken for hunger, leading to unnecessary snacking.
  • Mindful Eating: Keep a food journal to track your intake and become more aware of your eating habits. This can help identify areas for improvement and prevent mindless snacking. If you tend to pile your plate with food, invest in a diet plate.
  • Track Your Weight Loss: Choose a day and note down your weight once per week.
  • Sleep: Try and aim for 6-8 hours of quality sleep per night to support weight loss efforts and overall health. I know this is hard!
  • Support: Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, and family who can offer encouragement and accountability along the way.


Losing weight after 50 may pose challenges, but it’s far from impossible. You don’t need to pay for any fancy diet plans, you just need to have the determination to change the way you eat and exercise, work at it and stay focused.

By making mindful dietary choices, staying active, and prioritising self-care, significant transformations are within reach. Remember, consistency and patience are key!

Lose weight after 50 with real-life strategies. Learn how I shed over a stone in a year through diet changes and exercise routines.

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